News and Journalism are the Backbone to a Free and Democratic Society

News and journalism are under pressure. The digital landscape has been a boom for few and measuring up to be nearly a bust for many, as subscription versus ad models are mixed bag across the landscape. Yet, the same landscape has given rise to hundreds of digital outlets, each trying to land an audience consistent with their views and beliefs – which can run wide and deep. This is where truth matters. Whether you lean left or right, reporting should at least be based in truth. Truth is the only way to inform citizens about events and issue that impact their lives and livelihoods, making truth an important dimension for decision making.

Left unchecked, misrepresentation of the truth allows those on the periphery to let subjective points of view thrive in society. Not a good thing for democratic processes.

The following links explore the importance of journalism in properly informing citizens in a democracy and touches on the thoughts of what makes for good journalistic principles:

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Toward a Democratic Journalism External Link

Journalism, at its best, is a democratic medium in itself, seeking to erase divisions between media and audiences, giving space to diverse voices and helping to knit together a sphere of publics.

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‘Not normal’: What local newsrooms can do now to prepare for a series of historic elections External Link

How do local newsrooms cover elections at a time when democratic principles are under attack, basic voting procedures are questioned, and many people fear the future of personal rights?

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Democracy Needs Good Journalism: Questions With Victor Pickard External Link

The collapse of the business model supporting both local newspapers and digital start-up endeavors has left many U.S. communities with a dearth of critically important news and information. Because an informed citizenry is crucial for democracy to thrive, the situation raises the question: Can we have democracy without journalism?

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How Can the Press Best Serve a Democratic Society? External Link

In the nineteen-forties, a panel of scholars struggled over truth in reporting, the marketplace of ideas, and the maintenance of a free and responsible press. Their deliberations are more relevant than ever.

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Why is journalism important in a democracy? External Link

Journalism is essential for a healthy, functioning society, it can be a voice for underrepresented people suffering from injustice and oppression, and it can provide accurate and unbiased information keeping citizens informed of important news necessary for a democratic process.

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The elements of journalism External Link

In their book The Elements of Journalism, Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel identify the essential principles and practices of journalism. Here are 10 elements common to good journalism, drawn from the book. Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth Good decision-making depends on people having reliable, accurate facts put in a meaningful context.

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News media trust and its impact on media use: toward a framework for future research External Link

In contemporary high-choice media environments, the issue of media trust and its impact on people's media use has taken on new importance. At the same time, the extent to which people trust the new...

Why The Black Press Is Key To A 2024 Campaign Victory External Link

By advertising in the Black press, Democrats can directly impact how Black voters perceive their policies and candidates. Here are a few of the unique qualities and advantages of advertising in Black-owned media.