Louis Jones

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I recently attended  BRIDGE’24 -  BRIDGE’s second annual conference dedicated to increasing organizational competence and...
Although the source of this article is “Commentary”, or Opinion, it highlights a concerning and consistent trend; the...
The Pew Research Center recently released a report detailing the opinions of Black Americans on how poorly they are...

This past week Business Intelligence Groups awarded GUESS? Inc. two awards for it’s Environmental, Social, & Governance...

When "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished”

by Louis Jones on Aug 31, 2023 1:42:09 PM

This recent NYT Article details how companies who are willing supportive of LGBTQ+ consumers and their concerns, can...

As we continue to keep an eye on the development of AI in our industry, it is also useful to widen the lens and look...
Mario - Good to see you penning an article for Forbes. Also, thank you for continuing to raise awareness across a range...

"AI Safety" - A Misnomer at Best

by Louis Jones on Aug 10, 2023 8:43:26 PM

There is much swirl and prognostication around the impact that AI will have on society. Like most future trends, there is...

Not everyone has the resources (people and money) to throw at brand safety solutions. But everyone can better monitor...

Louis Jones is BSI's Chief Marketing Officer, and has served as Brand Safety Officer-in-Residence for the past two years. ...