Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries, with marketing poised to benefit significantly from its transformative...

The battle against misinformation and disinformation is a longstanding topic of concern and discussion for brand safety...

There’s no shortage of data to make it clear that disinformation presents a very real guilty-by-association threat to...

A powerful new tool has made its debut in the arena of brand safety. This resource will greatly assist advertisers and brand...

In a new white paper, Louis Jones, Brand Safety Officer in Residence, set out to get a pulse on where we as an ecosystem...

Louis Jones featured in AdWeek

by Jeremy Spitzberg on Mar 18, 2021 1:58:37 PM

Louis Jones, currently Brand Safety Officer (BSO) in Residence, and former evp of media & data practices for the 4A's, was...

Earlier this year, the Brand Safety Institute has created the position ofBrand Safety Officer in Residenceto, "help design...

Earlier this year, the Brand Safety Institute has created the position of Brand Safety Officer in Residence to, "help design...

The New York Times recently ran an article in their Opinion section about how programmatic ads from some of our largest and...

Tragedy of the Commons

by Jeremy Spitzberg on Oct 21, 2019 9:50:28 PM

What is the moral responsibility of the Brand Safety Officer?